Welcome to Eden Lifestyle Supports

Eden Lifestyle Supports is committed to providing high quality support and services to Australians who live with disability and are in receipt of NDIS funding. 

Eden works with each participant, their family and significant others to build on a good life for themselves, thus ensuring their legal and human rights are upheld and safeguarded. 

Eden takes a team approach and works closely with each person, one person at a time, in the development of each person’s support so they are authentically person-centred and individualised.

All at Eden believe in the strength of positive relationships, as such the organisation values and promotes a healthy culture through listening to what is said (and sometimes not said) by the people it serves. Eden believes in “being with” and not “doing for” so that each person feels they are in the driver’s seat of their own life.

“Eden values and acknowledges the inherent dignity and worth of all citizens and makes a concerted effort to ensure the same rights are upheld for those with disabilities.”

– Rachel Drew