About Eden Lifestyle Supports

Our Story

Established in 2020 Eden Lifestyle Supports PTY LTD is a registered NDIS service provider in the South East Queensland region, providing NDIS funded core supports and Health funded Continuity of Supports to individuals who live with a disability and who align with the vision and values of Eden. Eden works from a relationship based perspective, as such aims to support a small number of participants and their families to ensure all people within Eden are known and actively engaged with by the organisation’s executive directors.

Our Vision

All people are encouraged and supported to take their rightful place in their community of choice.

Our Values

Eden strives to ensure it works with each individual, their families and loved ones through the following foundational values:

  • Integrity

    We do what we say we do, we treat all people with respect, dignity and value.

  • Authenticity

    We act in ways that show true meaning without bias.


  • Community

    We share a sense of “place”, where all people are equal and all contributions are encouraged.

  • Relationships

    We value people before process and work together in a spirit of Good Will for the betterment of our community.
